Category Archives: Podcast

#176: Belief Planning

Belief planning is the most important planning we can do. We talk a lot about...

#175: Brain Management 2.0 – Predicting Outcomes

Predicting outcomes isn't our brain's forte. When we're faced with decisions or new circumstances, our...

#174: How to Stop Feeling Behind

“How do I stop feeling behind?” is one of the most common questions I get...

#173: Opportunity Overwhelm

Do you have opportunity overwhelm? One of the issues a lot of lawyers come to...

#172: Upleveling Your Growth

Going after any goal that we've never achieved before requires us to become a different...

#171: You’re Successful. Now What?

If you're reading this, there's something gnawing at you. Maybe you don't know what it...

#170: How to Be More Self-Confident

When I talk to lawyers, many tell me they want to feel more confident in...


#169: Brain Management

Let's talk brain management, my friend. We don't get a booklet that tells us how...

BONUS: Calendar Masterclass for Lawyers

 I want to do a couple things with this bonus episode. One, I want...

#168: Releasing Perfectionism

Releasing perfectionism isn't easy when you're a Type-A lawyer taught that perfectionism means you have...