how to turn impossible ideas into reality, impossible ideas, turning goals into reality, be a better lawyer podcast, Dina Cataldo

#185: Turning Impossible Ideas into Reality

Have you been sitting on an idea and not taking action on it because it's one of those impossible ideas? Listen to to begin making it reality.

And if you fall into the camps of having a ton of ideas you ruminate on or having zero ideas, you'll want to keep listening.

If you think you have too many ideas or not enough, chances are, you're denying them the proper environment to grow. Ideas must be nurtured to help them grow into fruition. You're going to get a practice that will help you nurture your impossible ideas.

This is the perfect segue to tell you about my new Masterclass.

It's called Follow Through in '22: Your Step-by-Step Plan to Reconnect with What You Want, Strategize 2022, and (Finally) Follow Through.

Click here for all the details.

Turning impossible ideas into reality is goal setting. Let me sell you on the idea of setting goals for yourself even if it's not the new year.

First, setting goals is about becoming the most audacious version of you. The version of you who has a fuller bigger life.

Second, setting goals is how you keep your brain focused on what you want. It's easy to flit around from one shiny object to another, but it's hard to stay focused to get what you really in your heart want and will develop you as a person.

Third, setting goals teaches us how to allow ourselves to have. So often we deny ourselves what we truly want because of what we think is realistic or because we want to please other people. I see this all the time with my clients. What if you allowed yourself to have the life you wish you had?

Now, you hear all the people talking about new year resolutions. This Masterclass is not about being just another person setting a new year resolution that they're going to quit after a couple months.

This Masterclass is about becoming the boldest version of you.

When you sign up, you get the Follow Through Guide. We're walking through it during the Masterclass.

Click here to sign up and get your Guide.

It's the easiest and best place to start if you don't have a goal yet. Inside you'll also find the process for achieving your goal with more east and simplicity than ever before. It's the foundation for what I help my clients with. And if you've had trouble following through on your goals in the past, this Masterclass and Guide will give you the tools you need to navigate the negative feelings like disappointment and feeling like a failure that inevitably come up when we do something we've never done before.

In this Masterclass you'll also avoid three big problems I see when people set goals that sabotage them.

The first one is in how they set the goal from the outset.

The second is how they strategize their goals making it harder on themselves than it needs to be.

And the third is giving up on their goal and themselves before they've really even gotten started.

So, join me for Follow Through in '22. Sign up here.

Alright, my friend, let's talk about turning your ideas into actions.



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