Tag Archives: Procrastination

#191: Work Worry

Do you worry at work? In today's episode, you'll learn how to spot worry, reduce...

#174: How to Stop Feeling Behind

“How do I stop feeling behind?” is one of the most common questions I get...

#168: Releasing Perfectionism

Releasing perfectionism isn't easy when you're a Type-A lawyer taught that perfectionism means you have...

#163: Ebb and Flow States

We don't talk about ebb and flow states enough. Instead, we're told we're supposed to...

#162: Committed Energy

When we don't have committed energy, we give up too soon on our goals. When...

#161: How to Override Fear

 One thing that stalls us out the most in pursuing our dreams and achieving...

#157: Mindset Shifts to Get Unstuck

Today we're digging into some of the mental drama that keeps us stuck. The drama...

#155: The Willpower Problem (and Solution)

The willpower problem? Willpower isn’t helpful. If using willpower creates short term results, but then...

#142: Time Entitlement

Time management isn't all about planning and following through. If it were that easy, we'd...

#141: What You Believe

If this is your first time listening, you may want to “What You Believe” later....