How to stop feeling behind, be a better lawyer podcast, time management for lawyers

#174: How to Stop Feeling Behind

“How do I stop feeling behind?” is one of the most common questions I get asked by lawyers.

If you want to stop feeling behind, it starts with one secret: understanding how your mind works.

Once you understand how your mind works, then you can begin changing the habit that has you feeling behind.

The secret to how to stop feeling behind is great, but what if you could take this work deeper?

In this episode, I walk you step-by-step through how you can use this new understanding of your brain to impact ANY actions you're taking.

If you're not getting the results you want in your life, it's not because anything has gone wrong.

We weren't given a guide book to our brain when we we born.

This episode is the guide book you've been looking for.


You can also watch the YouTube version.


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