Tag Archives: Anxiety
#245: “How to Stop Feeling Layoff Anxiety” and Your Other Questions Answered
In this episode I answer some of your burning questions. You'll hear my answers to:...
#244: Friday Wrap-Up Ritual
This Friday Wrap-Up Ritual is a *must* for all lawyers. In this episode of Be...
#240: Calming Anxiety
Calming anxiety is easier than you might think. A few things you need to know:...
#239: Taking Care of Yourself
Taking care of yourself is an art + it's the game-changer you need if you're...
#231: What “Slowing Down” Really Means
The other day I was talking to a lawyer about what it meant to slow...
#228: Nervous System Dysregulation
One of the most important things I work on with my clients is nervous system...
#222: Time Management Coachapalooza
Time management for lawyers is essential. Time is power. A lot of people say money...
#221: 3 Beliefs Making Your Life Harder
Three beliefs are in the way of you feeling more peace-of-mind every day in your...
#214: Feeling Horrible
Big goals require big feelings. It's normal to feel stretched beyond capacity when you're going...
#191: Work Worry
Do you worry at work? In today's episode, you'll learn how to spot worry, reduce...