Category Archives: Podcast

#28: 8 Lessons from Brene Brown

Brene Brown's work has been a big influence on me. As you dive into her...

#27: Control freak? You May Be a People-Pleaser

Yes, high-achievers can be people-pleasers. In fact, a majority of the female lawyers I've spoken...

#26: Mental Mastery: How to Take Back Control of Your Life with Jim Fortin

We're talking about mental mastery today with an amazing guest.  He founded his company Mind...

#25: Navigating Breast Cancer

This episode is meant to help anyone facing a health crisis and anyone who has...

#24: Permission Granted: Navigating Expectations & Creating a Life You Love with Lawyer and Coach Tavish Williams

Today’s episode may bring back flashbacks for those of us who went to law school. ...

#23: Why You (really) Can’t Find “the One” with Relationship Expert Raeeka Yaghmai

Are you smart, successful and hot but still can't find love? Do you ask yourself:...

#22: How to Journal (for High-Achievers): Get Quick Wins with this Step-by-Step Practice

Looking for quick wins and fast growth? Of course you are! This journaling technique I'm...

#21: The Art of Living ~ Parisian Style, with Bestselling Author Jennifer L. Scott

You’re in for a treat today because Jennifer L. Scott is about to give you...


#20: In Pursuit of Excellence

The greats — those who have achieved excellence — have three things in common. Are...

#19: 7 Steps to Discovering (and Eliminating) Our Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Today we're talking about 7 Steps to Discovering (and Eliminating) Our Self-Sabotaging Behaviors. What's self-sabotage?...