Tag Archives: Entrepreneurship

#106: Fire Up Your Passion for Your Law Practice

Has the fire gone out of your law practice? Maybe you find yourself worrying and...

#105: Taking Massive Action to Reach Your Goal

 “Massive action” is a concept I first learned from Tony Robbins. Over the years,...

#104: How to Trust Yourself to Follow Through

How much do you trust yourself to follow through on what you say you're going...

#103: How Thoughts Create Results

 You may never have heard this before, but listen: It doesn't have to be...

#102: Fierce Self-Love & Calendar Resentment

 No one talks productivity in terms of love. Let's change that. The truth is:...


#101: 8 Lies Your Probably Believe That Are Costing You Time (and Money)

 There are 8 lies that permeate our lives from childhood to adulthood. If we...

#94: How to Stay Grounded in a Crisis

Learning how to stay grounded in a crisis means focussing on your mental health, so...

Law Firm Marketing in Uncertain Times

Law Firm Marketing in Uncertain Times First things first: you are always marketing your law...

#92: Be Seen and Be Heard (or Be Frankenstein’ed)

Dr. Frankenstein has nothing on us and our obsession with our businesses. What if someone...

#91: Shift Your Identity to Increase Your Impact

If you want to reduce stress, if you want to have more time with friends,...