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#94: How to Stay Grounded in a Crisis

Learning how to stay grounded in a crisis means focussing on your mental health, so you can be at your best.

As lawyers, most people think we have it together all the time.

But it's normal to feel more anxiety and stress during times like these.

Lawyers are human too.

Even though we can tough out all the emotions we're feeling, there's a better way.

We can learn how to stay grounded in a crisis, so that we can help more of the people we want to serve.

Today you'll learn:

  • Where anxiety really comes from
  • How to dissolve anxiety in your body
  • The concrete steps you can take to begin processing emotions

During this time of Covid-19, I want to make sure you have resources at your fingertips to help you navigate what you're going through.

When you take the time to practice the tips I'm sharing with you, you'll begin rewiring your brain to reduce anxiety and stress overall. You'll still feel it, but you'll be able to nip it in the bud sooner, so you don't have to suffer.

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