Tag Archives: Goal Setting and Achievement

#186: High-Performance Mindset for Overcoming Obstacles

How do we adopt a high-performance mindset? One of the ways is to look at...

#185: Turning Impossible Ideas into Reality

Have you been sitting on an idea and not taking action on it because it's...

New Year Planning: How to Close Out This Year to Make Next Year Even Better

Let's do some new year planning, shall we? I'm going to walk you through how...

#183: Simplify Your Law Practice

Have you taken time recently to simplify your law practice? If not, you'll want to...

#182: 2 Must-Have Skills to Prevent Over-Working

Most lawyers waste a ton of time over-working. Over-working happens when we're not focused on...

#181: How to Stop Fueling Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. But when you want to do your best, most...

#176: Belief Planning

Belief planning is the most important planning we can do. We talk a lot about...

#175: Brain Management 2.0 – Predicting Outcomes

Predicting outcomes isn't our brain's forte. When we're faced with decisions or new circumstances, our...

#173: Opportunity Overwhelm

Do you have opportunity overwhelm? One of the issues a lot of lawyers come to...

#172: Upleveling Your Growth

Going after any goal that we've never achieved before requires us to become a different...