Tag Archives: Goal Setting and Achievement

#236: Talking to Loved Ones About Your Dream

Talking to loved ones about your dream can feel vulnerable. We want them to tell...

#234: Focus Errors

A couple years ago a client gave me a testimonial that said, “Dina helps me...

#233: 5 Thoughts Sabotaging Your Law Practice

Every thought we have either moves us closer to or further away from our the...

#231: What “Slowing Down” Really Means

The other day I was talking to a lawyer about what it meant to slow...

#230: 9 Power Moves for Your Law Practice and Life

What if you could make vast improvements to your law firm and life by implementing...

BONUS: Working Less, Making More, and Loving Life with Nancy Cogar

Meet Nancy Cogar: an elder and estate planning attorney as well as my client. In...

#229: Going After Your Goals with Gary Miles

Meet Gary Miles. He’s a family lawyer, a success coach, and a wellness advocate. On...

#226: How to Talk to Yourself

How we talk to ourselves makes the difference between hitting our goals and missing them....


#224: How to Take Massive Action Towards Your Goals

Learning how to take massive action is essential to achieving big goals in your life...

#223: Masculine and Feminine Lawyering

Masculine and feminine lawyering styles are usually discussed as if they're at odds with each...