Category Archives: Podcast

#87: Laying the Foundation for Your Success

How can you lay the foundation for your success starting today?   Recently I heard...

#86: Wisdom for Living Bigger and Better

  In today's podcast, you'll learn: How to create the foundation you need to play...

#85: 9 Social Media Mistakes Costing Lawyers Money (and Loyalty)

This episode is more than about talking about the 9 social media mistakes costing lawyers...

#84: Taking Action on Your Goals

Are you taking action on your goals? We don’t evolve by sitting still. We have...

#83: This One Belief is All You Need to Change Your Life

  There's one belief you need to change everything in your life.   It may...

#82: 6 Bad Habits Hurting Your Legal Practice

The thing about bad habits (and habits generally) is that we don’t even notice that...

#81: This is How You Fail So You Can Win in 2020

Did you fail big this year? I hope so. Sound strange to hear someone say...

#80: Addicted to Success with Marketing Expert Maria Grace

Are you driven to succeed or are you addicted to success? The dark side of...

#78: 3 Calendar Mistakes Costing You Time

 If you're reading this, you're probably committing 3 big calendar mistakes every week. It's...