why do I feel so behind, be a better lawyer, time peace, dina cataldo

Why Do I Feel So Behind? | The Time Peace Sessions Part 1

Why do I feel so behind?

In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.

Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

👉  Get the details and enroll now




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I truly believe the more lawyers we can positively impact with coaching, the brighter our future as a planet will be.

Talk to you next week.

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spotify, be a better lawyer podcast, Dina Cataldo


Why Do I Feel So Behind? #1

Here's a transcription of this episode:

You know that feeling where you know you’re working harder than ever, but nothing is changing? You’re still working weekends and late nights. You’re still bringing work with you on vacations. 

It feels hopeless.

You may even feel like a failure.

And you’re so busy running around trying to put out fires that you can’t even think about the future. You also can’t appreciate the amazing life you’ve created for yourself.

You’re most angry with yourself because you know there’s more in you. You know there’s something big you’re supposed to do in life, but you’re too exhausted to access it. You beat yourself up and are deathly afraid of not living up to your potential.

You don’t just feel behind at the office, you feel behind in life.

Whew — deep breath my friend.

If this is you, I want you to know that this was me at one point. And this is also many of the lawyers that I’ve worked with. You are not alone.

Now, I could talk all day about why so many in our society feel behind in life and societal expectations, but I want this podcast to be focused on feeling behind at work, so we’ll have to talk about that in a future episode.

So let’s get to why do we feel behind?

It’s lack of focus.

Why do we have lack of focus?

Because our mind isn’t managed.

When we don’t manage our mind, we cannot accomplish anything. We go into the classic fight, flight, freeze or fawn response. In this case, when we tell ourselves we’re behind, we feel overwhelmed or anxious then procrastinate. We’ll be talking about that in a separate episode.

That leads us to literally not do work, which means we are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Less work gets done, and more comes in. You can do the math.

If you truly want to make headway on your caseload, it requires learning the art of redirecting your focus over and over and over again.

When you’re unfocused, you can’t create a plan.

Without a plan, you can’t prioritize what needs to get done.

Without prioritization, you can’t constrain.

So how do you learn how to manage your mind so you redirect your focus over and over? That’s what I’m teaching in Time Peace for Lawyers™.

Inside Time Peace for Lawyers, you’ll get everything you need to learn the skills to stop feeling behind and start taking control of your practice.

I’ve just opened enrollment to Time Peace, and you can join me at dinacataldo.com/timepeace

I’m limiting enrollment to 15 lawyers to create the absolute best experience with lots of time with me, so be sure to save your spot now.

For 12 weeks, you’ll learn and get coached on the essentials to help you manage your mind and your time. 

We’ll cover topics like:

  • reverse engineering your mindset – you’ll learn the most common places lawyers may stumble first thing, so you can know what to expect and avoid those pitfalls.
  • Values alignment and prioritizing to help you prioritize and make decisions more quickly
  • Calendar management where you’ll get the accountability you want without the judgment. You’ll get guidance and support every step of the way

And if you’re the kind of person who gets nervous at the very mention of calendars, let me assure you, I’m not here to be the calendar police. I’m here to help you manage your mind and decide for yourself what does and does not work for you.

  • Unraveling procrastination and perfectionism, so you’re not using fear or adrenaline as a motivator to get work done. Life becomes so much easier when you learn this skill.
  • Managing urges to do anything but the work you know needs to get done
  • And so much more!

PLUS, there’s so many amazing bonuses. I’ve listed them all on the enrollment page.

I look at calendars as a tool to help us uncover all the things we’re not confronting in our lives life people-pleasing, boundaries, setting client expectations, self-confidence, and more.

It’s simply a tool to help us improve how we show up for ourselves and the people in our lives.

So if you’re feeling behind, Time Peace for Lawyers is the absolute best place to come and be in a group of like-minded lawyers who are determined to improve their lives.

You can join me at dinacataldo.com/timepeace

You absolutely can change your life by learning the tools you’ll get in Time Peace for Lawyers™.

Be sure to save your spot now.

Alright, my friend, I’ll talk to you in the next episode.

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