belief planning, what's a belief plan, be a better lawyer podcast

#176: Belief Planning

Belief planning is the most important planning we can do.

We talk a lot about planning our week, our month, our year.

Have you ever planned your beliefs?

Any time we envision a goal, we need to do this work.

And if you're either confused about your goal or don't have a goal, this podcast will help you too.

If you've ever thought about your future and said to yourself…

  • “What should I do?”
  • “I’m not sure if I should do anything differently.”
  • “Am I making the right decision?”

…you'll want to listen in.

​This week's episode is a bit different than other episodes because I'm running it like a workshop with questions to help you get clarity and take the next step that’s best for you.

This is what you’ll have after you do the work in this episode:

👉 a clear vision of what you want
👉 clarity on what’s preventing you from having that now
👉 a step-by-step plan on overcoming those obstacles

If you feel like you’re lost or settling, you don’t have to.

This podcast will help you connect with yourself on a deeper level and discover what your next steps are.

You are important.

Your dreams are important.

Don’t wait to do the work in this episode.



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