the power of "and", be abetter lawyer, be a better lawyer podcast, Dina Cataldo, you can be more than a lawyer

#145: The Power of “And”

Let's explore the power of “and” and a myth lawyers are told.

In the legal world, there's a myth floating around that you can't practice the law and have other interests.

Some lawyers judge other lawyers and believe they need to choose between their legal practice and having other interests.


There's no need to choose. It's a false choice.

When we begin to unravel a few of the lies we've been fed in law firms and in law school, we begin to open up our mind to possibilities.

I'll share with you my personal experiences and what my clients are doing to show these false beliefs can be overcome.

They're harnessing the power of “and” to do exactly what they want to do and challenge the status quo.

Listen in. Because you can too.



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