how to coach yourself, how to coach yourself better, self-coaching, be a better lawyer podcast, be a better lawyer, dina cataldo

#139: How to Coach Yourself Better

If this is your first time listening to the Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, this is the perfect place to start. In this episode you'll learn how to coach yourself.

If you're a lawyer who's been listening for a while, this episode is perfect for you because it'll offer you a deep dive into coaching yourself.

The tool I'm teaching you in this episode is incredibly effective for deconstructing old beliefs that aren't serving you and actually sabotaging what you really want.

Even if you don't have a one-on-one life coach, you can coach yourself.

Nothing beats having someone call you on your B.S. every week like a personal coach, but you'll learn a key to coaching yourself better in today's podcast.

We'll apply it to each of these areas, so you know exactly how to use it in:

  • decision-making
  • relationships, and
  • overwhelm and feeling behind

Learning how to coach yourself is a helpful skill that will serve you no matter what your goals. Listen in to find out how to coach yourself better.


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