Lawyer coach, Be a Better Lawyer, Dina Cataldo, Confidence, Emotional Health, Goal Setting and Achievement, Mental Health, Mental Performance, Mindset Foundations

#316: Making the Impossible Possible: Coaching Open House

Last week I had a Coaching Open house where I talked about the subconscious mind and its influence over us and how we can begin reconditioning the subconscious to create the life and practice we want.

I shared a lot of stories about lawyers I’ve worked with, and my hope is those stories inspire you to make the change you may have been putting off. I did the Open House on video, so if you want to watch the video version, you can watch it on YouTube. There’s a video player below on this page.

And if you want to be sure never to miss a special event like this one, be sure to go to to get on my email list. 



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Thanks for listening and supporting Be a Better Lawyer Podcast.

Your support means the world to me and allows the work I'm doing here to reach more lawyers.

I truly believe the more lawyers we can positively impact with coaching, the brighter our future as a planet will be.

Talk to you next week.

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Coaching Open House 

Here's a summary of what we talked about during this Open House:

0:00 Episode introduction

1:42  – Intro and a teaser about new bonuses for those who watch the Open House and to my one-on-one clients

3:12 – A little about me and my law career before I became a coach

08:48 – An overview of what we're talking about today

09:22 – Why it's so hard to make change. I share with you how the subconscious influences the results we get in our life, and how we can reduce its influence

30:32 – Who I help.

32:10 – Alison's achievements with overcoming imposter syndrome to send out “old” bills, and how she improved her clients' experience by sending them out.

36:07 – Shannon's realization about how to improve her experience running trials after coaching and the implications for attorney retention.

41:49 – Jackie's story of overcoming subconscious patterns preventing her from billing on time, and how coaching helped her achieve partner.

44:21 – Nancy's story about how she used coaching to not only make more money but becoming a happier and healthier person. We also talk about how she used her newfound time to improve her estate planning clients' experience.

49:27 – Kimberly's experience that coaching didn't take a lot of extra time because you're simply implementing what you're learning each week.

50:57 – Karene's experience that after coaching she realized her to-do list wasn't working as well as she thought it was.

53:22 – Aman's experience using coaching to create a business on top of her law practice and overcoming indecision and imposter syndrome.

56:42 – Andrea's favorite part about coaching and how coaching helped her create time.

58:27 – What it's like working with me one-on-one and my coaching program's design.

1:04:54 – All about the bonuses you get when you join me for Strategy Session and when you work with me 1:1.

1:12:07- An invitation to join me in a Strategy Session and what happens in a Strategy Session.

1:16:47 – Addressing common questions and patterns.

1:17:42 – “Is this the right time?”

1:21:32 – “I don't know if I have time for this right now.”/”I should do it later.”/ “I don't have time for this right now.”

1:23:35 – “I don't know if I can do this.”/”I don't know if I'm capable of change.”

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