embodiment work, Dina Cataldo, Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, Manifestation, law firm growth, how to build your confidence, how to be a more confident lawyer, how to be a confident lawyer

#352: Embody Your Future Self Now

This episode of Be a Better Lawyer will stretch your mind in the best way possible.

In this episode, we dive into the mindset you need to embody your dream self now so you can start achieving your goals with confidence and clarity.

I'm sharing with you:

✅ Key questions to ask yourself to accelerate change

✅ Why delusion is a powerful tool

✅ How to use an “anchor word” as a mindset shortcut

Tune in to learn how to unlock a higher level of confidence and embody the version of you who makes your dreams come true.


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Read this episode: Embody Your Future Self Now

A lot of people choose a word of the year. If you don’t know what this is, it’s a single word that you want to focus your intention on throughout the year.

For me, that’s never been something I’ve done regularly, but I have used specific words as triggers when I want to live into any version of myself. It could be a sentence. It could be a word. But I always must connect that sentence or word with a FEELING.

This is the part most people forget, but it’s the most important if you want to embody the version of yourself that has the life you want.

Why Feelings Matter

Our feelings have been dismissed subliminally by our society.
We’ve been taught that our feelings don’t matter and that we need to push through any negative emotions instead of addressing them.

When we do this, we’re telling ourselves that WE don’t matter. Logically, we can say we do, but you’ll know whether you truly BELIEVE you matter by the way you show up in life—by how you treat yourself.

  • Do you follow through on what you say you’ll do?
  • Do you say yes to others but say no to the things you want?
  • Do you put yourself last on your to-do list—if you make the cut at all?
  • Do you put off taking action on your dreams?
  • Do you skip workouts in favor of work?
  • Do you eat junk food instead of making time for real food?

If you’re doing any or all of these things, I want to offer that you’re not embodying the version of yourself that you truly want to be.

If you did, you wouldn’t be listening to this.
You’re here because you feel called to be a more expanded version of yourself.

Step Into the Version of You That…

  • Wholeheartedly goes after what you want and makes it happen.
  • Has great respect for yourself.
  • Is decisive and trusts yourself.

This episode is one where you’ll want to get out a pen and paper and answer the questions I pose to you if you want to get the most out of it.

I encourage you with this episode—as with any of my episodes—not to be a passive listener.
Engage with the episode so you can gain the most from it.

The Shift to Embodying Your Best Self

If you want to embody the version of you who has the life and law practice you want, it requires shifting your identity.

That’s why in this episode, I’m:
✅ Asking you questions to help you shift into the version of you who has the life and law practice you want.
Sharing what I think about and practice thinking regularly when stepping into a new version of myself.
Revealing the word I remind myself of throughout the day to help me stay aligned with this version.

Self-Reflection Questions

Some of these may feel uncomfortable—and that’s good! Coaching is about getting uncomfortable. When we embrace discomfort, we grow.

Answer these questions:

1️⃣ How would you treat yourself if you loved yourself deeply and completely? What things would you be doing that you’re not doing now?
2️⃣ How would you treat yourself if you believed you had the time to treat yourself that way?
3️⃣ What kind of boundaries would you create if you believed you were worthy of having what you wanted? If you believed you were able to say no?
4️⃣ What would be different in your interactions if you were fully present in them?

How would your consults be different?

How would you walk through your day?

How would you talk to employees differently?

5️⃣ What is it costing you not to take action on these things now?
6️⃣ What is the consequence of not doing these things? To your body, your dreams, the people around you, your practice?
7️⃣ What do you believe is in the way of taking action?
8️⃣ How can you solve for the things you think are in the way?

Solving From a Higher Version of Yourself

The last question is often the most difficult.
Most lawyers I talk to answer with something like:
❌ “I need to be more disciplined.”
❌ “I need to stop making excuses.”
❌ “I need to work harder.”

Any answer that sounds like “I’m not good enough now” is a roadblock to your dreams.

We have to solve problems from a higher version of ourselves—a version of ourselves who believes we can have the life we want and that we are already good enough to have it.

How Would You Treat Yourself If You Loved Yourself?

When I ask the question this way, what changes for you?

Often, I hear:
💬 “I’d speak to myself more kindly.”
💬 “I’d ask for help.”
💬 “I’d allow myself to be imperfect.”
💬 “I’d say no more often.”
💬 “I’d give myself more time for myself and take breaks.”
💬 “I’d stop worrying about work at home.”

Stepping into a more loving and worthy version of yourself aligns you naturally with expansion.

Consciously Thinking New Thoughts

When lawyers don’t have the life or practice they want, it’s often because they’re stuck in old, societal programming instead of consciously thinking thoughts that serve them.

Conscious thinking requires deprogramming old thoughts and reprogramming new ones.

🧠 “You have to be delusional. There’s no way around it.”
🎤 Busta Rhymes said, “It’s only delusional until it works.”

This is how I’ve lived my life—and it’s always a dream before it’s reality.

New Thoughts to Consciously Practice

Here are thoughts I practice daily:
✨ I am valuable.
✨ What I want matters.
✨ How I treat myself matters.
✨ How I treat my body matters.
✨ How I treat others matters.
✨ What my space looks and feels like matters.
✨ I know exactly what needs to be done.
✨ The answers are always inside of me.
✨ I always know the answer.
✨ I do what’s best for me even when it’s uncomfortable.
✨ I manage my time well because I know what’s most important.
✨ I value my business as an extension of who I want to be.
✨ I plan my day with me in it.
✨ I do what I say I’ll do.
✨ I love myself.
✨ I am perfect exactly as I am.
✨ The universe always has my back.
✨ I always figure it out.


Over the years, I’ve found one word that instantly reminds me of the most expanded version of myself:


This word instantly reminds me of:
✅ The calm I want to feel in my body.
✅ Being present in what I’m doing.
✅ My center, even when life pulls me away.

What word brings you back to the most embodied version of who you want to be?

Work With Me

I help my private clients step into the version of themselves who confidently:
✔ Raise their rates.
✔ Bill their true hours instead of undercutting them.
✔ Say no to work they don’t want.
✔ Ask for what they want—and get it.
✔ Build a law practice they love.

🚀 Want to work with me? Book a Strategy Session:
👉 dinacataldo.com/strategysession

Many lawyers tell me they wished they booked sooner. The most common hesitation?

❌ “I’m not sure I have enough time.”
❌ “I’m not sure I have enough money.”
❌ “I’m not sure what I want.”
❌ “I don’t want to waste her time.”

If this is you, take it off your bucket list and book today.

📅 Book now: dinacataldo.com/strategysession

Alright, my friend. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day.
I’ll talk to you again soon.

Bye! 🎙💙

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