over-working, over-work, workaholic, how to stop over-working, how to prevent over-working

#182: 2 Must-Have Skills to Prevent Over-Working

Most lawyers waste a ton of time over-working.

Over-working happens when we're not focused on the most impactful actions in our practice.

When we're over-working, we feel pressured, overwhelmed and sometimes a bit confused.

We think we're doing everything we're “supposed” to be doing. So why aren't we making the progress we want to see?

When we're not focused on the most impactful actions that move the dial on our goal — whether it's financial or something else — we're wasting time and energy on busy work.

That means less energy spent on what really matters.

There are two essentials missing when we're over-working:

  1. moderated thoughts, and
  2. intentionality in our decision-making

These two essentials will boost your productivity and help you make the progress you want to see on your goals.

Listen in to learn how to moderate your thoughts and make decisions that are more intentional in your practice.




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