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#29: Cultivating an Abundance Mentality with Candice Thomas


What does it mean to be abundant?

How can we increase abundance in any area of our lives?

Why is it so hard to get what we want sometimes?

I'm happy to welcome back Candice Thomas to Soul Roadmap podcast because she's here to answer these questions and to teach us how we can cultivate abundance in every area of our lives.

You may remember her from way back in Episode #3 when she shared with us about cultivating our intuition.

If you haven't listened to Episode #3, I highly recommend you listen to that episode first to give you a proper introduction to Candice and get the foundation that you need for this episode.

Candice Thomas is an intuitive advisor for entrepreneurs, artists, and leaders who feel called to make an impact on the world doing the work they love. She shows them how to use their own intuition to attract the partnerships, the clients, and opportunities that help them consistently increase their business income, know exactly what to pitch to studio executives to get projects developed, and even heal and strengthen relationships between partners, family, and friends. Candice believes that every person has the ability to create the life they desire. 

You may hear us use “woo woo” words, but we're a couple practical women with plans of action for you to cultivate abundance in your life.

We also geek out about Chris Claremont and the X-Men a bit, so bear with us.



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