Tag Archives: Mindset Foundations

#234: Focus Errors

A couple years ago a client gave me a testimonial that said, “Dina helps me...

#228: Nervous System Dysregulation

One of the most important things I work on with my clients is nervous system...

#226: How to Talk to Yourself

How we talk to ourselves makes the difference between hitting our goals and missing them....


#224: How to Take Massive Action Towards Your Goals

Learning how to take massive action is essential to achieving big goals in your life...

#221: 3 Beliefs Making Your Life Harder

Three beliefs are in the way of you feeling more peace-of-mind every day in your...

#219: Build Up Your Baseline Belief

Whatever results you have in your life right now were created because of a belief...

#218: Putting Off the Hard Stuff

If you're putting off the hard stuff in your practice or personal life, there's nothing...

#208: Brain Debris

You're invited to my brand New Masterclass for Lawyers. It's called, “Your Next Evolution.” It's...

#204: Taking Action Despite Fear

If you're procrastinating on taking action on your dream, I want you to really listen...

#203: Unraveling Your Stories

Unraveling your stories isn't easy. The subconscious brain stores all our beliefs, and it makes...