I have a fun conversation I want to share with you today. Suzi Hixon interviewed me and two other lovely lawyers for her podcast Legally Blissed Conversations, and we talked about how us high-achieving female attorneys push ourselves and tell ourselves we need to work harder.

This conversation is important because we get so acclimated to the legal culture of grinding and burning ourselves out that we can’t always see another way.

This episode highlights how attorneys are making a difference in their own practices and we share tips throughout the episode that will help you begin making that shift in your own practice.

You’re going to meet: 

  • Suzi Hixon who brought us all together for her podcast
  • Keren de Zwart, founder of Not Your Father's Lawyer who helps entrepreneurs and small businesses start, run, grow their business with a legal foundation; and 
  • Diana Schimmel, a family law attorney, and partner at female-founded law firm Martine, Katz, Scanlon & Schimmel which is a boutique family & matrimonial law firm

Whether you're a solo, partner, or up-and-coming attorney, you'll want to listen to this episode and take note of what's possible.

The more lawyers who have the skills, the better the legal industry will become.

Let's make some change, my friend. It all starts here.


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Thanks for listening, and I'll talk to you next week.

Be a Better Lawyer, Apple Podcasts, Dina Cataldo
spotify, be a better lawyer podcast, Dina Cataldo