Category Archives: Podcast
#305: Success and Conscious Well-Being
What does success mean to you? Are you relying on what others think success is...
#304: Design Your Vision for a Life & Law Practice You Love
Do you have a clear vision for the future of your life and law practice?...
#303: 9 Must-Do Action Items to Fast-Track Growth
You want to grow — personally and in your law practice. You’re working your buns...
#302: Your Money Relationship
Your money relationship determines the pace at which you can grow. Our relationship with money...
#301: Your Mindset Makeover for Law Firm Growth
It's impossible to overstate the importance of intentional mindset when growing your law firm. The...
#300: 6 High-Performance Strategies for Law’s Busiest Weeks
How do you maintain high-performance even during one of your most challenging weeks? You know...
#299: Streamline Your Law Practice
Today on Be a Better Lawyer we’re smoothing rough edges in your law practice causing...
#298: Level-Up by Releasing Past History
Releasing past history is a requirement to leveling up our lives. Learn how to release...
#297: What Clients Think About You
Do you worry about what your clients think about you? It could be having more...