Category Archives: Podcast

#343: Let Go, So You Can Let In

The biggest cause of unhappiness is holding onto the past. When you hold on to...

#342: The Secret to Better Planning

The secret to better planning is a mindset focused on possibility. If you're overwhelmed by...

#341: 5 Tips to Manage Your Energy During the Holidays

In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I’m sharing 5 tips to manage your...

#340:  The Key to Effective Team Management with Penny Zenker

Managing a team can be challenging, especially when balancing client demands, deadlines, and time constraints....

#338: How to Build a Book of Business (without Burning Out) with Special Guest Heather Moulder

If you're a lawyer who wants to build a book of business but fears burning...

#337: Healing Cancer Holistically with Special Guest Dr. Katie Deming

Healing cancer holistically isn't something we've been taught in our society is possible. In this...