Brain Inertia, inert thoughts, why am I stuck, how do i get unstuck, dina cataldo, be abetter lawyer, be a better lawyer podcast

#119: Brain Inertia

Brain inertia develops when we think thoughts that are inert – useless.

To be inert is to be “chemically inactive,” so I thought it was the perfect way to describe thoughts we have that keep us inactive in our personal development and our attempts at achieving our goals.

As soon as we think these inert thoughts — if we don’t do any conscious work to get out of them — we'll be stuck where we've always been.

We won’t make any progress in building a practice we love, improving our relationships, and we're definitely not going to achieve any other goal we have.

Today on the podcast, you'll learn:

  • how our brain chemistry changes how we respond in the world
  • the 4 categories of inert thoughts
  • the exact thoughts you want to look out for daily (we all have had them)
  • practical strategies to retrain your brain to get you out of these inert thoughts and into action


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