Soul Roadmap Podcast, the anger trap, dina cataldo, lawyer coach, is anger a good thing, how to use anger

#74: The Anger Trap

Anger. Anger seems like a good thing until…it's not.

In today's episode you'll learn how to create better results in your life after you've recognize how the emotion of anger is working in your life — maybe without you even recognizing it.

  • Why is it important to understand this emotion?
  • What's the difference between useful anger and the kind that keeps us from seeing reality?
  • How do we use anger, so that we can begin making the decisions that will propel us in a better direction?
  • How can you create the awareness you need to make a change?

We answer these questions and more in this episode. 

Lawyers, if you're ready to truly transform your life, I invite you to learn more about coaching with me. It may be exactly what you need. Click here to schedule a Strategy Session to learn more.


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