Tag Archives: Confidence

#247: Belief Before Action

Belief before action. No one teaches us that's how it's supposed to work. Not knowing...

#242: Making Life Easier with Big Law Attorney Kimberly Lopez

Kimberly Lopez has been an attorney in Big Law for 15 years. During that time...

#236: Talking to Loved Ones About Your Dream

Talking to loved ones about your dream can feel vulnerable. We want them to tell...

#232: When the Dream Becomes a Trap

Imagine this: You’re living the dream you used to have. You own your own firm....

#230: 9 Power Moves for Your Law Practice and Life

What if you could make vast improvements to your law firm and life by implementing...

#227: Confidence and Making Time with Judith Gaton

Today I want to introduce you to my new friend, Judith Gaton. She's smart, she's...

#226: How to Talk to Yourself

How we talk to ourselves makes the difference between hitting our goals and missing them....


#219: Build Up Your Baseline Belief

Whatever results you have in your life right now were created because of a belief...

#216: What to do When You Think You’re Moving Backwards

There's no handbook on what to do when you think you're moving backwards from all...

#213: When Things Change

It's easy to feel helpless when things change. They feel out of our control. Learn...