Join the Masterclass

Lawyer Masterclass:

Unlock Productivity

5 (Counterintuitive) Strategies to 10x Productivity without Hustling

I'm in!

"No matter how hard I work,

I feel like I'm always behind."

Sound familiar?

I've been there, my friend.

As a criminal prosecutor, I worked the 50-70 hour weeks.

But no matter how many hours I put in, I always felt the pang of disappointment at the end of the day.

I was still behind.

How would I ever get through the growing pile of work on my desk?

And how could I be sure I wasn't missing something?

The worry I'd missed something was always on the back of my mind even before I hit my pillow.

What was even worse?

I was missing out on life.

I literally fell asleep on a date's shoulder after a long day running hearings. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

How was I supposed to keep up this grueling pace?

The hard truth: I couldn't.

In fact, I was diagnosed with breast cancer only a few months after that date.

My body was telling me what I couldn't understand:

We're not meant to work day and night.

That experience helped me figure out a new path for myself.

It took me years before I discovered the 5 essential strategies that helped me turn everything around.

That's why in this Masterclass, I'm sharing the secrets that helped me -- and the lawyers I work with -- 10x productivity.

It's happening Thursday, October 24th, 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern this area

This Masterclass is for you if you...

  • Know from experience that planning your day isn't enough to keep you productive

  • Are frustrated because you want more than to work day-and-night

  • Use deadlines to pressure yourself to get things done

  • Are tired of worrying about work when you're at home trying to recharge

  • Feel behind no matter how hard you work

Imagine a more productive you.

I remember thinking there was something wrong with me that I wasn't getting more accomplished at the office.

It felt like I was perpetually telling myself, "Next time I'll plan better."

But I never did.


If I did plan, nothing seemed to go right.

What I didn't realize was I was approaching work from an outdated mindset.

In this Masterclass, you'll learn the productive mindset that allowed me to take action to not only make practicing the law easier but gave me the ability to build my business on top of my law practice.

This Masterclass isn't about time blocking and prioritizing.

It's so much more than that.

Planning alone doesn't cut it.

To become the most productive lawyers you know, you've got to change your entire mindset around how you approach work.

You'll learn how the most productive lawyers take action to move things off their plate like:

  • overdue bills
  • old cases
  • new ideas to market their practice
  • properly training staff
  • and so much more!

When they do, they get to do things like...

😍 work 4 days a week instead of 6

πŸ’ͺ start work-out routines they never had time for before

and even....

🏝️ go on trips without bringing their laptop!

Join me in this Masterclass, and you'll learn how to 10x your productivity, so you can finally take control of your time, your life and your practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is this training?

This training costs the investment of your time and attention.

I don't take this lightly because I know their value. They're our most important assets.

How long is the Masterclass?

Plan on investing about 75-90 minutes.

I truly look at any training I decide join as an investment. Your time is valuable, and I want to encourage you to treat this as an investment in your personal development.

What if I can't make it on the date of the training?

While I completely understand that you may already have other commitments, I want to encourage you to make the time for this Masterclass.

We rarely -- if ever -- watch replays. (I definitely fall into that camp. πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ)

Also, there's a special kind of magic that happens when we show up for trainings live. ✨ We're more engaged, and we absorb more because we're more engaged.

PLUS, I always offer a special surprise to those who show up LIVE at my Masterclasses that's only available during the live events. πŸŽ‰

If you absolutely can't make, there will be a (very) limited time replay available.

Simply sign up for the Masterclass, and you'll be directed to submit your name and email address. You'll receive the replay when it's available.

It's happening Thursday, October 24th, 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern this area

About Dina

Dina Cataldo is a Master Certified Coach who helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer at 29, doing more with less stress became a non-negotiable. She had big aspirations, and didn't want stress preventing her from going after what she wanted.

She built her coaching practice while practicing as a full-time criminal prosecutor by changing her habits one at a time. Dina discovered she had more power to change herself than she knew and became an expert at managing her time and emotional health.

Now she’s helps lawyers around the world take authority over their time and their mindset, so they love their life and law practice.

Join this masterclass to create a vision for a fulfilling law practice that feeds your soul.

Β© Dina Cataldo International, LLC 2024