You don't need more time to grow your law practice.

You need more focus.

That's where Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth comes in.


Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth:

Your Step-by-Step Planning Process to Create Your Most Profitable and Peaceful Year in the Law Yet

Join the Precision Planning Waitlist

What happens when you marry masterful time management with thinking strategically about your law firm growth?

You get Precision Planning For Law Firm Growth.

This course is the product of years of coaching lawyers to perform at their highest levels while calming their practice down.

You see, when you're a high-achiever, you tend to over-work.

Over-working strains our nervous system and leads to burnout.

That's why you may notice you feel overwhelmed when thinking about growing or improving your practice.

Then, you can't even think about where to start.

This course will change that.

You'll get exactly what you need to think clearly and strategically about your practice to make the progress you're looking for without burnout.

You'll gain:

✅ confidence




peace of mind

...and so much more when you join me in this brand new course.

Inside Precision Planning, you'll get:

  • clarity on your vision including the most important foundation you need to set now for your practice or business to move forward
  • insights into setting achievable and strategic goals for the upcoming year
  • how to prioritize based on your goals
  • momentum to move you goals forward
  • bringing your team into your vision
  • how to track your progress
  • case studies
  • and more!

You'll get lifetime access to this course, so you can return to it year-after-year to help you strategize your next year's growth.

By the end of this course, you will:

Nail down your 12 month goal

Not only will you learn your Sweet Spot goal, you'll create a plan that makes sense for the lifestyle you deeply desire.

Take your ideas quantum

New ideas sparks growth, but that's not enough. You need the mindset to implement. Get the tools you need to help you follow through on your plan.

Feel grounded with purpose

The biggest misconception people have about achieving goals is they need willpower. Really you need focus. Focus requires sustainability. You'll make a plan to help you focus even when life happens.

Prioritize your most impactful actions and weed out the rest

One of the biggest causes of overwhelm is not prioritizing. That's why you'll get a step-by-step process to prioritize what's most important to focus your time and energy on to grow your firm.

Have a non-negotiable plan to maintain your well-being

You're a high-achiever, so you're used to hard work. But as time goes by, we can burn ourselves out. Growing your practice doesn't have to be at your expense. You'll create non-negotiables to keep you feeling your best.

Have specific monthly actions set ahead of time to achieve your goal

We tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in short periods of time and underestimate what we can accomplish in longer periods of time. That's why we run your plan through a filter. When you do this, you'll get a plan that allows room for the lifestyle you want to create for yourself.

Here's what's inside Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth:

MODULE 1: Know Your Numbers

  • Assess where you are in your practice now, so you have the data you need to strategize what you want for your practice moving forward
  • You’ll know exactly why you didn’t hit your goal last year, and you’ll have lessons from last year to help you strategize for your practice moving forward

MODULE 2: Your Sweet Spot Goal

  • If you feel any resistance towards setting goals and keeping your eye on the prize all year, you’re not alone. Many lawyers tell me this, so you’ll set a Sweet Spot Goal for 12 months out that doesn’t feel overwhelming but still feels challenging.
  • You'll get clarity on your offers, so you don't feel confusion or frustration moving forward.
  • By the end of this Module, you'll have the tools to confidently talk about your offer and to achieve your 12 month goal.

MODULE 3: Your Idea Factory

  • Ever wonder how people come up with innovative ideas that make growth simple and client satisfaction off the charts? You’ll learn exactly how to do that in this Module.
  • By the end of this Module, you’ll have solutions for the biggest problems and frustrations in your practice.

MODULE 4: Non-Negotiables

  • Inside this module, you’ll nail down your non-negotiables to love your life, that lives side-by-side with your plan for growth.

MODULE 5: The How Mindset

  • One of the biggest blocks to taking action is not knowing "how" to get something done. We'll address exactly what the "how" looks like, so you can take action.

MODULE 6: Precision Prioritizing

  • You’ll use The Idea Factory you created in Module 3, and get a filter technique that allows you to select the most impactful solutions that will help you achieve your target goal in 12 months.
  • You’ll select 3-5 Supportive Goals that will set the solid foundation you need to grow your practice in the next 12 months and allow you to create the lifestyle you deeply desire.

MODULE 7:  Quarterly Breakdown

  • Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a short time and overestimate what they can accomplish in a long period of time. We’ll take a 10,000 foot view of your practice, so you can choose timelines that make sense for your current client caseload and 12 month target.
  • What you learn in this module will help you stay focused on priorities you decided in Module 6 and not feel overwhelmed.

MODULE 8:  Evaluating

  • Planning isn’t just about making a plan to take action. It’s about evaluating your progress along the way to make key decisions moving forward. I’ll show you how to do that in this module.

MODULE 9:  Celebrate!

  • By Module 9, you’ve done what 99% of law firm owners never do: plan for sustainable growth. This is definitely cause for celebration. 
  • Celebration is something we practice every step of the way on our growth journey to help our brain stay on board with our audacious goals. This is the perfect place to start!


You'll get a 50-page downloadable book that will be your side-by-side companion to help you focus and stay out of overwhelm. Each page is expertly crafted to help you follow along through the course and create a simple and doable 12-month plan to help you achieve your goals.

And when you pay in full, you'll receive special bonuses,


More information will be available on the bonuses soon.

One bonus training I want to make sure you have in your back pocket is The Money Mindset Companion. Many lawyers I talk to feel nervous talking about their rates or neglect their finances, which makes it nearly impossible to grow any business.

Inside this bonus, you'll get trainings that will help you achieve your ultimate goal: financial freedom and peace.

Who is Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth For?

Precision Planning for Law Firm Growth is for you if growing your practice has taken a back seat because you've been focused on current client work, and you're ready to...

  • Be in control of your client pipeline, so you're no longer guessing where clients come from
  • Have a clear vision for the future of your practice that includes your well-being as well as increased profitability
  • Serve your existing clients and new clients more effectively
  • Elevate how you think about your firm (and your own!) potential for growth
  • Foster a positive firm culture that motivates and retains top talent
  • Implement systems to track and measure the success of your marketing and business development efforts

I want to break this down even further, because you may be thinking,

"This sounds great, but how do I know it's something I truly need?"


Precision Planning is necessary for...

  • Solo practitioners managing their own practice and seeking a plan for growth that's doable
  • Law firm owners who desire challenging themselves and grow their practice while taking care of their well-being
  • Law firm owners who want to work on their practice and make a plan, but they simply don't know how or where to start
  • Law firm owners who want to become strong leaders in their firm and communicate to their employees the path they want to take with clarity to get their buy-in
  • Law firm owners who have a million ideas and feel like you want to do it all at once but know you simply can't

Precision Planning is good for...

  • Attorneys thinking about leaving their firm to go out on their own and want to create a plan of action before they decide to leave
  • Law firm owners who have done things the same way with success for a while and want innovative ideas for planning growth
  • Law firm owners who have seen moderate growth year-after-year and want to create a plan of action to increase profitability

Precision Planning is NOT for lawyers who are...

  • Content with the current state of your practice and have no desire for change
  • Primarily focused on immediate profitability without considering long-term sustainability
  • Unwilling to streamline processes or delegate tasks for increased efficiency

About Dina

Dina Cataldo is a Master Certified Coach who helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer at 29, doing more with less stress became a non-negotiable. She had big aspirations, and didn't want stress preventing her from going after what she wanted.

She built her coaching practice while practicing as a full-time criminal prosecutor by changing her habits one at a time. Dina discovered she had more power to change herself than she knew and became an expert at managing her time and emotional health.

Now she’s helps lawyers around the world take authority over their time and their mindset, so they love their life and law practice.

Earnings disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there’s no guarantee you’ll earn more money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and other channels, we’re showcasing actual client results and they are exceptional meaning they don’t reflect the average experience. You should not rely on these presentations as any kind of guarantee that you’ll experience that level of success. Your results will be determined on factors over which we don’t have control such as your level of effort, prior experiences, your financial condition, and changes in market conditions. Building any business, including a legal practice, carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our refund policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services.