Awareness + Action

Ever wish you implemented what you learned on the podcast, but don't have time or know where to start?

Good news, my friend.

I've made it easy to implement what you're learning in a special two-week email series available only to email subscribers.

It's called "Awareness + Action," and it starts October 3rd.

Sign Up Here

Starting October 3rd, you'll get brief morning emails from me for two weeks (Monday through Friday).

They'll hit your inbox at 4am Pacific, so early risers on the East Coast can read them before work.

In each email I'll offer you one thing to pay attention to that day and 1-3 questions to ask yourself to explore deeper.

This is a mini-course in shifting how you think and feel each day.

It's simple and doable.

By the end, you'll not only have more awareness of what you may be tolerating in your life, but you'll have tools to help you change.

Plus, you'll get unlimited access to me via email.

That means you can ask for clarifications and anything else that you want, and I'll respond personally.

How much does it cost?


I'm doing this to show you the power of coaching and how simple it is to make changes.

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