Turn 2020 overwhelm into "I've got this!"

Lawyer, you've got big plans for your practice. 

Get a head start on the new year to make it the smoothest (and most lucrative) ever in this 2 Hour LIVE Online Workshop.

Tell me more!


Join me Live for this Online Workshop on

How to Manage Your 2020 Calendar

Saturday December 14th, 8am PT

Yes, I want in!

For just $197 I'll walk you step-by-step in this 2 hour workshop through creating your 2020 calendar to make your life OH-SO much easier next year.

This Workshop includes...

  • A copy of the replay
  • Goal setting strategies to aim for your growth
  • How to organize your yearly and daily calendar
  • Live Q&A  
  • And a few "make your life easier" surprises along the way!

This live online workshop is for you if you're a lawyer who says yes to any of these...

~ You want to grow your practice

~ Feel like you're constantly trying to catch up to your workload

~ You have multiple projects in mind to expand your practice, but it feels overwhelming to get started

~ You have a calendar, but you don't feel it's helping you reach your goals

~ You feel stuck, disorganized and like you're not achieving your goals

~ Your family vacations always feel hectic because you're really on your phone most of the time

In this 2 Hour workshop, I'll walk you through...

1. My no overwhelm philosophy, and how I weave this thoughout the year and commit to it each week.

2. How to create and implement your most profitable opportunities in 2020.

3. The formula for creating more opportunities for growth in your practice and hitting your targets.

4. Time-saving tips I use each week.

5. A strategy to keep your team (and yourself) on track to reach your goal every single day!

Enroll for just $197 and learn how to plan your best year each and every year.


Join me Live for this Online Workshop on

How to Manage Your 2020 Calendar

Saturday December 14th, 8am PT

For just $197 I'll walk you step-by-step in this 2 hour workshop through creating your 2020 calendar to make your life OH-SO much easier next year.

Grab a notebook, a planner and spend a 2 hour power session with me to make your 2020 your most successful (and least overwhelming) yet!

Managing your 2020 calendar NOW doesn't just prep you for success, it also empowers you to play the long game in your practice and your life.  

Having your 2020 calendar prepped now means that:

- even if you have things pop up that take you out of your calendar, you will ALWAYS be able to get back on track because you've planned the road ahead.

- you know what you can and can't take on when people come to you requesting committments. "Sorry, I've already committed my time elsewhere that week."

- you can finally go on that family vacation to Australia because you've blocked out time for it well in advance and have your office responsibilities wrapped up ahead of time (because you planned it that way!).

You'll walk away from this workshop feeling...

Confident that you have a roadmap that tells you exactly what to do and when.

Inspired to play bigger in your legal practice and be even more visible to draw in new clients!

Relieved that you no longer have to fly by the seat of your pants and have your year planned with intention.

Certain that you have a plan that will ensure you're doing less of what you don't want to do and more of the work you were MEANT to do.

Let's do this!

A note from Dina

This year can be your best yet when you implement the planning and time-saving strategies I'm sharing in this workshop. As a criminal prosecutor, life coach for lawyers and a breast cancer thriver, I've learned to integrate my career, ambitions and health. And I'm SO not into overwhelm. Let's do 2020 right!

Can't wait to get planning!
